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Six Steps to Success for Trumpet 40 Intermediate Etudes in 8 Keys

Six Steps to Success is designed for the intermediate student after theyhave progressed past beginning instructional books. This volume containsforty etudes that address the musical abilities of developing students insix areas of playing: warm-up, legato, articulation, scales and compoundmeter. After an initial warm-up section, there are five etudes for each ofthe eight major keys that intermediate students need to master. These willhelp students take the next necessary steps, leading to more advancedstandard pedagogical methods and etudes. Each etude is engraved onone page for ease of reading, and a complete fingering chart is included.This is an excellent new addition to the repertoire of the intermediatestudent and can be used by students alone, or with the guidance of aprivate teacher. It would also be a great resources for use as auditionmaterial for honor bands.
After a student has completed the first year or two of study on an instrument,it is time to seek individualized instruction specific to developingtheir skills past the basic level. There is an abundance of material writtenfor the instruction of the beginning student and for the more advancestudent, but much less in the middle levels. Etudes have been the foundationof musical instruction for hundreds of years. This book focuseson presenting etudes on the intermediate level. It is hoped that afterthe successful completion of this material, the student will improve theirskills to the point where they can then move up to the standard pedagogicalrepertoire.The book is organized first by keys. It covers the first eight essential keysthe intermediate student will need to know. The keys are presented in anorder from most common to less common for the intermediate student.But it is not necessary that the student or a student with a private teacheruse the book in order. Many will find it more beneficial to jump aroundfrom key to key, and that is a perfectly acceptable way to use this material.Besides keys, the book presents five different etudes for each key, one forimproving legato playing, one for improving articulation, one for improvingrhythm reading, one for improving technique through scale exercises, andfinally one that combines many of the aspects of the other four steps but ina compound meter. If the student can master each of the six steps, they willimprove greatly in their skills, performance quality and musicianship.

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