Bass Lessons
Michael Henss
B.A. in Music
Bass Guitar
Like many musicians, Michael Henss began playing early in life and has been consumed by the world of music ever since. In addition to the guitar, which he has been playing for 30 years, Michael has also studied electric bass and drums and plays each at a professional level. While studying music at the University of Maine he developed an interest in composition and spent a great deal of time prioritizing the development of a personal writing style. During this undergraduate period Michael composed and arranged music for jazz and rock ensembles, in addition to writing and recording electronic music. Following his time at the University of Maine, he studied audio production for music and film at the Audio Recording Technology Institute and interned with world-renowned mastering engineer Bob Katz. Michael currently works as a music educator and freelance audio engineer in CT and has been involved as a composer and performer for a number of commercial music projects. Michael is devoted to helping students find their own musical voice and his musical expertise lies in rock, metal, folk, and electronic music.